Final week at Library SAFC Museum

Well we have had a great experience, 5mths have been and gone so quickly, Thank you to the ladies in the Library services for offering me the space on such a whim, and the guys who have helped daily. Andrew Stuart Neil has become a new man with confidence and can take on all tasks. Keith Charlton has become more confident and able to communicate greatly. Ter Marsh has been a huge help and his camera skills have been fantastic. Michael David has supported greatly and will be back on board soon too.

But what can I say, proud and honoured I’ve started something you won’t see anywhere else in the world. Meeting so many Fans of all ages, with so many different life stories.

But thank you and once everyone finds out what has been already achieved in our City, and what we are doing with so many different disability groups, people will then understand how #Unique this Community Museum Hub is.

Please share, but also!! all I will say is, Watch This Space!

A huge thank you to the ladies from the Library sector, for making the space we have utilized the last 5 months. This has allowed the Museum to connect with our #Community. Without all of you, it would have not happened.

Thank you to Allison Clark, Marie Brett & Julie Boad, we truly appreciate this.
We are open today and our last day is tomorrow, so come and join us, free cuppa’s are on the house too.

Here are some images going back from our 1st day here at the City Library & Arts Centre.