First Annual Gary Goodings Memory Walk Held at Fans Museum

Well folks, recently we were approached by Jonny Langley and ever so moved by the story he shared. In honour of Gary Goodings, the fans museum was chosen to host his 1st memorial walk, a special annual event we see growing and growing.
Originally from Hendon, born 1958, Gary lived in Ashbrooke – attending Bede grammar school before working at Sunderland Public works. Over the years Gary would grace Easington Council, Pearl Insurance, Jackson Potter mortgages and Station Taxis before moving to Fatfield in later years.
Healthy as ever, it was a shock to all that knew him that In 2020 he was to be diagnosed with a rare form of untreatable lung cancer.
Gary lived for his wife Denise, son Graham and of course – Sunderland AFC. His passing in 2021 and the fight he and his family endured is what makes today so crucial in both remembering Garry in life but to raise awareness to help beat cancer.
Thanks to all of these supporters almost £700 was raised for Macmillan Cancer Support before the walk had even begun.
Furthermore, can we thank Jonny Langley for allowing us to be a part of such a momentous and special event, Gary’s family for their kind support and everyone who attended: We know next year will be bigger and brighter.
So folks, if you have a loved one you’d like to add to our memory garden or if you wish the museum to be part of your day in, then don’t hesitate to contact us or use