SAFC v Wigan at the Fans Museum

A brilliant crowd to be sure, we had Wigan and Sunderland fans lifting the FA and World cup while legend Bobby Kerr made lasting memories – like with young Christensen from Bishop Auckland as seen above – even reminiscing with the Scottish Sunderland Supporters Branch who came down for the match.
We also had Steve, Paul and Paul from the Jarra branch visit the museum along with the Dover branch who donated their badge to our ever growing flag of fans for their first visit.
Speaking of traveling fans, we had Stephen Cushnahan from Melbourne along with Joshua and Fred – from Sunderland – who all enjoyed their time. Furthermore, Chris and Angela came to their home town once more before flying back to Australia, including Aimee and Hollie who held our FA and Word cups. Not to forget brothers Tony and David from Oxford-shire who travel up for most games.
Of course, we had fans from Ireland,Holland and America too – which is brilliant to see – along with everyone else who showed their support – something we truly appreciate – all while making plentiful memories; it just shows the power of the Fans Museum. Take a look a Riley wearing an original 1973 shirt signed the Manager Bob Stokoe, while holing the FA cup, complete with the very Cup winning Captain Bobby Kerr. Moments like this can’t be made anywhere else.