Fans Museum Announces New Board of Directors
Exciting times for the Fans Museum as we finally reopen, celebrate a 35 year lease and announce a new board of directors. […]
Fans Museum Grand Reopening
The Fans Museum is proud to finally reopen its doors to the public on Friday 6th August! Please come and support us, […]
Fans Museum Supports Bobby Robson Foundation
Every year, since 2010, the friends and family of Kevin Outhwaite from Tunstall have held a very special golf day in his […]
England at the Fans Museum
Take a Virtual Tour of some of our England memorabilia at the Fans Museum, click the link below to explore: […]
In Memory of Angela
Fans Museum member Angela sadly passed away after a short stay in hospital, she will be sadly missed. Completely numb and still […]
The Fans Museum Virtual Tour
We have been unable to open to the public for a while now but you can still take a virtual visit around […]
Pandemic Problems
Over 500 litres of profit down the drain, our only source of income is via match days, private events, 61 events have […]
Andy’s Socially Distant Birthday
Well we just couldn’t let the birthday boy Andy Parkin not let everyone see his tiara cake and just how well it […]
The Fans Museum Shop is now Open
The Fans Museum Shop is now open so grab some unique items you won’t find anywhere else You can access the shop […]